The park boasts of having a parking space to accommodate 2000 cars for its patrons at the entry of the park.
When you enter the park the pretty, energetic and well-mannered staff will assist you in getting your entry passes through 12 counters. Once you are guided by the security to enter the park thru its designated gates you are free to explore the 25 rides, the Miniature Railroad, the Horse cart, Shopping Malls along with Branded food and beverages to tickle your taste buds. The park shall conduct various entertainment events on various days which would be declared from time to time in our event section.
You can take along your kids to the game land which has its a bumper car ride, shooting site, mini train along with many tempting video games. The x-D’Cinema in game land itself would take you to the virtual world for a totally different experience which is beyond descriptions. The park has its kiddie rides in a totally toddler environment which your kids can’t miss enjoying and will not like to go home.
Dinosaurs represented in the park include a functional prototypes of Apatosaurus , Tyrannosaurus rex at the entry of the park, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, and an Anatotitan (formerly Trachodon) along with other breeds a Protoceratops and a Dimetrodon.
This Dinosaurs Park is sculptured and dedicated to kids and their education and is inspired from the famous “Jurassic The Dino Park has 6 real kiddie rides to present the chill of riding a dinosaurs in real life for the kids.
In general the games in Majidi Land classify in to two kind Free games which is all customer have right to use it after buy one of the card types (regular card pack , Full Pack and Fast Truck Pack ) for entrance which is include 32 games as shown below:
Presently as of 2015, the park’s area covers over 1000,000 m2, containing 100+ rides and attractions, as well as a sizzling, hair raising & exciting life size square called Dinosaurs Park. Adjacent to the dinosaurs park there is a lavish open space with all greens lawns and natural shade of trees